What's Your Rupture? - 2007
Tyvek! Oh man these guys rule. Super catchy, lo-fi, pop punk tunes. This is definitely one of my favorite releases of the year.
Click to download!
Conspiracy - 2007
This is such a neat collaboration: Sunburned Hand Of Da' Man plus Circle! It's really great with headphones and for taking a nice walk. Chuette!
Click to download.
I don't know what to say about Rio de la Muerte. He's supposably 97% done with his new album and it's killing all of us waiting in anticipation for it to drop. Just skip to 'The Wind Is Strong, But So Are We!' to see how raw and emotional he can be. It's too perfect. Acoustic storytelling at it's best.
Click to download.
2007 - Tour-only compilation of rarities
This is album is totally worth downloading just for Poultry Heads. SO GOOD.
Click to download.
1969I've had this album on continuous rotation lately. It makes me remember how terrific Sonny Sharrock was. The emotions in this album make everything so so so so good. Click to download.
Holy Mountain - 2007
I don't understand how no one has been talking about this album at all this year. It's complete with progresive space/stoner rock, great guitar riffs, and fantastic drumming. It doesn't get any better than that!
Click to download.
VHF - 2005
If you're a fan of John Fahey you'll really like this. Finger-licking good finger-picking!
Click to download.
Child of Microtones - 2007
MV & EE do a fantastic job integrating blues and folk into their experimental stuff. This is probably my favorite release of the year from them. Mars Delta is pretty great, but this is a lot heavier and listenable. Click to download.
Nufusmoon Records 1973This was one of the first things I remember being shared on p2p networks when I was a kid. This album is just right for driving with no predetermined destination. I think he recorded this in like less than 40 hours due to having to go to jail for possession of marijuana. lolz
Click to download.
Plan-It-X 2007
I think the AJJ side is better, but whateva. It's still good.
Click to download.
Asian Man - 2007
The Jihaders are one of the big reasons that make living in Phoenix bearable. They started off with goofy, humorous songs about skewering hipsters, killing ladies, and giving the finger to white people, and now look at 'em! This album is full of terribly powerful folk music;
Download it!
Vendlus - 2006
Debut album from the Wolves. It's easily one of my favorite metal albums of all time.
Click to download!

Southern Lord - 2007
Wolves in the Throne Room are back with another incredible album. It's almost as good as Diadem of 12 Stars (Which I'll upload soon).Click to download.
Southern Lord - 2007
Forest Moon Productions - 2007Ex-Fall of the Bastards members in one of the best albums of 2007. Raw, yet very clean produced (and may I mention totally tight) viking metal. Click to download.